Install KVM to ArchLinux
Recipe for KVM installation

Install KVM to Arch Linux
So KVM is a very efficient type 1 hypervisor, it is free and it comes with all the power of the linux community and of Open Source Software. Arch is a very lightweight distro and very customizeable, people tend to prefer “stabler distro” such as debian or centos but in fact Arch is pretty stable and has the latest cutting edges technology, and no big update only rolling update no release updates.
Check Hardware compatibility
Ssh into your server so you verify that the CPU of your server can run Virtual Machines.
egrep --color=auto 'vmx|svm|0xc0f' /proc/cpuinfo
Install the needed packages
pacman -S openbsd-netcat qemu libvirt dnsmasq qemu-arch-extra firewalld qemu-block-iscsi qemu-block-rbd qemu-block-gluster qemu-guest-agent
Then edit that file so that libvirt daemon is launch as root.
vim /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
Add :
user = "root"
group = "root"
Remove the previous group line they are irrelevant.
Start the Services
Use systemd command line controller called systemctl to restart the 2 services.
systemctl restart firewall libvirtd
Make the services start at boot
systemctl enable firewalld libvirtd
Connection to Kvm over ssh
We are now making your local computer connect to kvm hypervisor via ssh.
SSH config
Make a ssh folder :
mkdir ~/.ssh
Then create the config file.
vim ~/.ssh/config
Then you can edit and add for example :
Host The_Name # EMail, kubernetes, whatever..
Port ThePortNumber
User TheUser
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/YourPrivateKey
For more information:
Download and install virt-manager, it is in the repository.
Start Virt-Manager and go File > Add Connection
Then fill in with what you put in ~/.ssh/config
And then you can create Virtual machine on your server, just download ISOs to “/var/lib/libvirt/”.